It is impossible to make a mechanical product and achieve a greater level of efficiency without embedding electronics and semiconductor in it. Whether it is a vehicle, consumer goods, machines and equipment, railways or airplanes, almost everything comes with an integrated circuit embedded in it. For example, a car can have as many as 10 antennas that allow the seamless experience to the user binging with it the high level of dependence of its performance on the electronics embedded in it. Electronics, semiconductors, motors, and antennas make up a system with a high level of robustness that a piece of mechanical equipment works in rough weather and disastrous working environments. Design tools are available today that allow seamless integration of these systems with the mechanical systems.
Our Unique Offerings
Electronics Product Design
Our solutions assist our customers to overcome electronics software and product design challenges with an efficient solution. We address IC design, verification and manufacturing issues. We also support our customers for IC packaging design and verification. In addition, we provide solutions for electronic system design and digital prototype development.
Electronic Cooling
ANSYS Icepak provides powerful electronic cooling solutions which utilize the industry-leading ANSYS Fluent computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver for thermal and fluid flow analyses of integrated circuits (ICs), packages, printed circuit boards (PCBs) and electronic assemblies.
Low and High frequency Electromagnetic Simulation
ANSYS HFSS is a 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software for designing and simulating high-frequency electronic products such as antennas, antenna arrays, RF or microwave components, high-speed interconnects, filters, connectors, IC packages, and printed circuit boards. Engineers worldwide use ANSYS HFSS to design high-frequency, high-speed electronics found in communications systems, radar systems, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), satellites, internet-of-things (IoT) products, and other high-speed RF and digital devices.