The team

The team is composed of 32 people whose mission is to support you from the creation of your projects on our platform to the final delivery of your PCBAs.

Management & Sales Team

Damien Rossignon

Damien Rossignon,

Christophe Tourbez

Christophe Tourbez,
Sales Director

Angélique Casassas

Angélique Casassas,
Communication & Marketing Manager

Marc Ludwig

Marc Ludwig,
Customer Service Manager & Technical Referent

Debora Greco

Debora Greco,
Customer Service & Sales Assistant Italy


Alexandra Elleb-Dolhina,
Customer Service & Sales Assistant Germany

Stella Strubel

Stella Strubel,
Customer Service & Sales Assistant France

Alejandra Fernandez

Alejandra Fernandez,
Customer Service & Sales Assistant Spain